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APDR Virtual Roundtables

Save the Date for Upcoming Roundtables

All Roundtables are scheduled 12–1pm ET unless otherwise noted. 

January 30, 2025 – 3 pm Eastern: Leading with C.A.R.E: Community, Advocacy, Recognition and Empowerment that Support a Culture of Belonging
(joint webinar hosted by AAR Well Being Committee and APDR Wellness Committee)

Register Via Zoom

February 27, 2025: Customizing the R4 Year: What Can We Offer Trainees, and How Much Should We? 

Register Via Zoom

March 13, 2025: Hybrid Teaching Models

In-person at AAR Meeting; 7-8 am Pacific 

June 19, 2025: Professionalism and the New Generation of Radiology Trainees

Register Via Zoom

Click here to view recordings of all previous APDR Virtual Roundtables.